
This document is for Red's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. If you're a regular user, you should read the Red documentation for the current stable release.

Source code for redbot.core.utils.common_filters

import re

__all__ = [

# regexes
URL_RE = re.compile(r"(https?|s?ftp)://(\S+)", re.I)

INVITE_URL_RE = re.compile(r"(discord\.(?:gg|io|me|li)|discord(?:app)?\.com\/invite)\/(\S+)", re.I)

MASS_MENTION_RE = re.compile(r"(@)(?=everyone|here)")  # This only matches the @ for sanitizing

OTHER_MENTION_RE = re.compile(r"(<)(@[!&]?|#)(\d+>)")

    "\u2018": "'",  # Left single quote
    "\u2019": "'",  # Right single quote
    "\u201C": '"',  # Left double quote
    "\u201D": '"',  # Right double quote


SPOILER_CONTENT_RE = re.compile(

# convenience wrappers
[docs]def filter_urls(to_filter: str) -> str: """Get a string with URLs sanitized. This will match any URLs starting with these protocols: - ``http://`` - ``https://`` - ``ftp://`` - ``sftp://`` Parameters ---------- to_filter : str The string to filter. Returns ------- str The sanitized string. """ return URL_RE.sub("[SANITIZED URL]", to_filter)
[docs]def filter_invites(to_filter: str) -> str: """Get a string with discord invites sanitized. Will match any discord.gg, discordapp.com/invite, discord.com/invite, discord.me, or discord.io/discord.li invite URL. Parameters ---------- to_filter : str The string to filter. Returns ------- str The sanitized string. """ return INVITE_URL_RE.sub("[SANITIZED INVITE]", to_filter)
[docs]def filter_mass_mentions(to_filter: str) -> str: """Get a string with mass mentions sanitized. Will match any *here* and/or *everyone* mentions. Parameters ---------- to_filter : str The string to filter. Returns ------- str The sanitized string. """ return MASS_MENTION_RE.sub("@\u200b", to_filter)
[docs]def filter_various_mentions(to_filter: str) -> str: """ Get a string with role, user, and channel mentions sanitized. This is mainly for use on user display names, not message content, and should be applied sparingly. Parameters ---------- to_filter : str The string to filter. Returns ------- str The sanitized string. """ return OTHER_MENTION_RE.sub(r"\1\\\2\3", to_filter)
[docs]def normalize_smartquotes(to_normalize: str) -> str: """ Get a string with smart quotes replaced with normal ones Parameters ---------- to_normalize : str The string to normalize. Returns ------- str The normalized string. """ def replacement_for(obj): return SMART_QUOTE_REPLACEMENT_DICT.get(obj.group(0), "") return SMART_QUOTE_REPLACE_RE.sub(replacement_for, to_normalize)
[docs]def escape_spoilers(content: str) -> str: """ Get a string with spoiler syntax escaped. Parameters ---------- content : str The string to escape. Returns ------- str The escaped string. """ return SPOILER_CONTENT_RE.sub(r"\\\g<OPEN>\g<SPOILERED>\\\g<CLOSE>", content)
[docs]def escape_spoilers_and_mass_mentions(content: str) -> str: """ Get a string with spoiler syntax and mass mentions escaped Parameters ---------- content : str The string to escape. Returns ------- str The escaped string. """ return escape_spoilers(filter_mass_mentions(content))