Source code for redbot.core.utils.views

from __future__ import annotations

import discord

from discord.ext.commands import BadArgument
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Optional, Union, Dict
from redbot.core.i18n import Translator
from redbot.vendored.discord.ext import menus
from redbot.core.commands.converter import get_dict_converter

    from redbot.core.commands import Context

__all__ = ("SimpleMenu", "SetApiModal", "SetApiView", "ConfirmView")

_ = Translator("UtilsViews", __file__)

_ACCEPTABLE_PAGE_TYPES = Union[Dict[str, Union[str, discord.Embed]], discord.Embed, str]

class _SimplePageSource(menus.ListPageSource):
    def __init__(self, items: List[_ACCEPTABLE_PAGE_TYPES]):
        super().__init__(items, per_page=1)

    async def format_page(
        self, view: discord.ui.View, page: _ACCEPTABLE_PAGE_TYPES
    ) -> Union[str, discord.Embed]:
        return page

class _SelectMenu(discord.ui.Select):
    def __init__(self, options: List[discord.SelectOption]):
            placeholder=_("Select a Page"), min_values=1, max_values=1, options=options

    async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
        index = int(self.values[0])
        self.view.current_page = index
        kwargs = await self.view.get_page(self.view.current_page)
        await interaction.response.edit_message(**kwargs)

class _NavigateButton(discord.ui.Button):
    def __init__(
        self, style: discord.ButtonStyle, emoji: Union[str, discord.PartialEmoji], direction: int
        super().__init__(style=style, emoji=emoji)
        self.direction = direction

    async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
        if self.direction == 0:
            self.view.current_page = 0
        elif self.direction == self.view.source.get_max_pages():
            self.view.current_page = self.view.source.get_max_pages() - 1
            self.view.current_page += self.direction
        kwargs = await self.view.get_page(self.view.current_page)
        await interaction.response.edit_message(**kwargs)

class _StopButton(discord.ui.Button):
    def __init__(self, style: discord.ButtonStyle, emoji: Union[str, discord.PartialEmoji]):
        super().__init__(style=style, emoji=emoji)

    async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
        if interaction.message.flags.ephemeral:
            await interaction.response.edit_message(view=None)
        await interaction.message.delete()

[docs]class SimpleMenu(discord.ui.View): """ A simple Button menu Parameters ---------- pages: `list` of `str`, `discord.Embed`, or `dict`. The pages of the menu. if the page is a `dict` its keys must be valid messageable args. e,g. "content", "embed", etc. page_start: int The page to start the menu at. timeout: float The time (in seconds) to wait for a reaction defaults to 180 seconds. delete_after_timeout: bool Whether or not to delete the message after the timeout has expired. Defaults to False. disable_after_timeout: bool Whether to disable all components on the menu after timeout has expired. By default the view is removed from the message on timeout. Defaults to False. use_select_menu: bool Whether or not to include a select menu to jump specifically between pages. Defaults to False. use_select_only: bool Whether the menu will only display the select menu for paginating instead of the buttons. The stop button will remain but is positioned under the select menu in this instance. Defaults to False. Examples -------- You can provide a list of strings:: from redbot.core.utils.views import SimpleMenu pages = ["Hello", "Hi", "Bonjour", "Salut"] await SimpleMenu(pages).start(ctx) You can provide a list of dicts:: from redbot.core.utils.views import SimpleMenu pages = [{"content": "My content", "embed": discord.Embed(description="hello")}] await SimpleMenu(pages).start(ctx) """ def __init__( self, pages: List[_ACCEPTABLE_PAGE_TYPES], timeout: float = 180.0, page_start: int = 0, delete_after_timeout: bool = False, disable_after_timeout: bool = False, use_select_menu: bool = False, use_select_only: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__( timeout=timeout, ) self._fallback_author_to_ctx = True Optional[] = None self.message: Optional[discord.Message] = None self._source = _SimplePageSource(items=pages) self.ctx: Optional[Context] = None self.current_page = page_start self.delete_after_timeout = delete_after_timeout self.disable_after_timeout = disable_after_timeout self.use_select_menu = use_select_menu or use_select_only self.use_select_only = use_select_only self.forward_button = _NavigateButton( discord.ButtonStyle.grey, "\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", direction=1, ) self.backward_button = _NavigateButton( discord.ButtonStyle.grey, "\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", direction=-1, ) self.first_button = _NavigateButton( discord.ButtonStyle.grey, "\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", direction=0, ) self.last_button = _NavigateButton( discord.ButtonStyle.grey, "\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", direction=self.source.get_max_pages(), ) self.select_options = [ discord.SelectOption(label=_("Page {num}").format(num=num + 1), value=num) for num, x in enumerate(pages) ] self.stop_button = _StopButton(, "\N{HEAVY MULTIPLICATION X}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}" ) self.select_menu = self._get_select_menu() self.add_item(self.stop_button) if self.source.is_paginating() and not self.use_select_only: self.add_item(self.first_button) self.add_item(self.backward_button) self.add_item(self.forward_button) self.add_item(self.last_button) if self.use_select_menu and self.source.is_paginating(): if self.use_select_only: self.remove_item(self.stop_button) self.add_item(self.select_menu) self.add_item(self.stop_button) else: self.add_item(self.select_menu) @property def source(self): return self._source @property def author(self) -> Optional[]: if self._author is not None: return self._author if self._fallback_author_to_ctx: return getattr(self.ctx, "author", None) return None @author.setter def author(self, value: Optional[]) -> None: self._fallback_author_to_ctx = False self._author = value
[docs] async def on_timeout(self): try: if self.delete_after_timeout and not self.message.flags.ephemeral: await self.message.delete() elif self.disable_after_timeout: for child in self.children: child.disabled = True await self.message.edit(view=self) else: await self.message.edit(view=None) except discord.HTTPException: # message could no longer be there or we may not be able to edit/delete it anymore pass
def _get_select_menu(self): # handles modifying the select menu if more than 25 pages are provided # this will show the previous 12 and next 13 pages in the select menu # based on the currently displayed page. Once you reach close to the max # pages it will display the last 25 pages. if len(self.select_options) > 25: minus_diff = None plus_diff = 25 if 12 < self.current_page < len(self.select_options) - 25: minus_diff = self.current_page - 12 plus_diff = self.current_page + 13 elif self.current_page >= len(self.select_options) - 25: minus_diff = len(self.select_options) - 25 plus_diff = None options = self.select_options[minus_diff:plus_diff] else: options = self.select_options[:25] return _SelectMenu(options)
[docs] async def start( self, ctx: Context, *, user: Optional[] = None, ephemeral: bool = False ): """ Used to start the menu displaying the first page requested. .. warning:: The ``user`` parameter is considered `provisional <developer-guarantees-exclusions>`. If no issues arise, we plan on including it under developer guarantees in the first release made after 2024-05-24. Parameters ---------- ctx: `commands.Context` The context to start the menu in. user: discord.User The user allowed to interact with the menu. If this is ``None``, ```` will be able to interact with the menu. .. warning:: This parameter is `provisional <developer-guarantees-exclusions>`. If no issues arise, we plan on including it under developer guarantees in the first release made after 2024-05-24. ephemeral: `bool` Send the message ephemerally. This only works if the context is from a slash command interaction. """ self._fallback_author_to_ctx = True if user is not None: = user self.ctx = ctx kwargs = await self.get_page(self.current_page) self.message = await ctx.send(**kwargs, ephemeral=ephemeral)
[docs] async def start_dm(self, user: discord.User): """ Used to start displaying the menu in a direct message. Parameters ---------- user: `discord.User` The user that will be direct messaged by the bot. """ = user kwargs = await self.get_page(self.current_page) self.message = await user.send(**kwargs)
async def get_page(self, page_num: int) -> Dict[str, Optional[Any]]: try: page = await self.source.get_page(page_num) except IndexError: self.current_page = 0 page = await self.source.get_page(self.current_page) value = await self.source.format_page(self, page) if self.use_select_menu and len(self.select_options) > 25 and self.source.is_paginating(): self.remove_item(self.select_menu) self.select_menu = self._get_select_menu() self.add_item(self.select_menu) ret: Dict[str, Optional[Any]] = {"view": self} if isinstance(value, dict): ret.update(value) elif isinstance(value, str): ret.update({"content": value, "embed": None}) elif isinstance(value, discord.Embed): ret.update({"embed": value, "content": None}) return ret
[docs] async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): """Ensure only the author is allowed to interact with the menu.""" allowed_ids = (getattr(, "id", None),) if not in allowed_ids: await interaction.response.send_message( content=_("You are not authorized to interact with this."), ephemeral=True ) return False return True
[docs]class SetApiModal(discord.ui.Modal): """ A secure ``discord.ui.Modal`` used to set API keys. This Modal can either be used standalone with its own ``discord.ui.View`` for custom implementations, or created via ``SetApiView`` to have an easy to implement secure way of setting API keys. Parameters ---------- default_service: Optional[str] The service to add the API keys to. If this is omitted the bot owner is allowed to set their own service. Defaults to ``None``. default_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] The API keys the service is expecting. This will only allow the bot owner to set keys the Modal is expecting. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__( self, default_service: Optional[str] = None, default_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): self.default_service = default_service self.default_keys: List[str] = [] if default_keys is not None: self.default_keys = list(default_keys.keys()) self.default_keys_fmt = self._format_keys(default_keys) _placeholder_token = "client_id YOUR_CLIENT_ID\nclient_secret YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" _placeholder_service = "service" if self.default_service is not None: _placeholder_service = self.default_service self.title = _("Set API Keys") self.keys_label = _("Keys and tokens") if self.default_service is not None: self.title = _("Set API Keys for {service}").format(service=self.default_service) self.keys_label = _("Keys and tokens for {service}").format( service=self.default_service ) self.default_service = self.default_service.lower() # Lower here to prevent someone from capitalizing a service name for the sake of UX. super().__init__(title=self.title) self.service_input = discord.ui.TextInput( label=_("Service"), required=True, placeholder=_placeholder_service, default=self.default_service, ) self.token_input = discord.ui.TextInput( label=self.keys_label, style=discord.TextStyle.long, required=True, placeholder=_placeholder_token, default=self.default_keys_fmt, ) if self.default_service is None: self.add_item(self.service_input) self.add_item(self.token_input) @staticmethod def _format_keys(keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> Optional[str]: """Format the keys to be used on a long discord.TextInput format""" if keys is not None: ret = "" for k, v in keys.items(): if v: ret += f"{k} {v}\n" else: ret += f"{k} YOUR_{k.upper()}\n" return ret else: return None
[docs] async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): if not await interaction.client.is_owner( interaction.user ): # Prevent non-bot owners from somehow acquiring and saving the modal. return await interaction.response.send_message( _("This modal is for bot owners only. Whoops!"), ephemeral=True ) if self.default_keys is not None: converter = get_dict_converter(*self.default_keys, delims=[";", ",", " "]) else: converter = get_dict_converter(delims=[";", ",", " "]) tokens = " ".join(self.token_input.value.split("\n")).rstrip() try: tokens = await converter().convert(None, tokens) except BadArgument as exc: return await interaction.response.send_message( _("{error_message}\nPlease try again.").format(error_message=str(exc)), ephemeral=True, ) if self.default_service is not None: # Check is there is a service set. await interaction.client.set_shared_api_tokens(self.default_service, **tokens) return await interaction.response.send_message( _("`{service}` API tokens have been set.").format(service=self.default_service), ephemeral=True, ) else: service = self.service_input.value.lower() await interaction.client.set_shared_api_tokens(service, **tokens) return await interaction.response.send_message( _("`{service}` API tokens have been set.").format(service=service), ephemeral=True, )
[docs]class SetApiView(discord.ui.View): """ A secure ``discord.ui.View`` used to set API keys. This view is an standalone, easy to implement ``discord.ui.View`` to allow an bot owner to securely set API keys in a public environment. Parameters ---------- default_service: Optional[str] The service to add the API keys to. If this is omitted the bot owner is allowed to set their own service. Defaults to ``None``. default_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] The API keys the service is expecting. This will only allow the bot owner to set keys the Modal is expecting. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__( self, default_service: Optional[str] = None, default_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): self.default_service = default_service self.default_keys = default_keys super().__init__()
[docs] async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> bool: if not await interaction.client.is_owner(interaction.user): await interaction.response.send_message( _("This button is for bot owners only, oh well."), ephemeral=True ) return False return True
@discord.ui.button( label=_("Set API token"), style=discord.ButtonStyle.grey, ) async def auth_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.Button): return await interaction.response.send_modal( SetApiModal(self.default_service, self.default_keys) )
[docs]class ConfirmView(discord.ui.View): """ A simple `discord.ui.View` used for confirming something. Parameters ---------- author: Optional[] The user who you want to be interacting with the confirmation. If this is omitted anyone can click yes or no. timeout: float The timeout of the view in seconds. Defaults to ``180`` seconds. disable_buttons: bool Whether to disable the buttons instead of removing them from the message after the timeout. Defaults to ``False``. Examples -------- Using the view:: view = ConfirmView( # attach the message to the view after sending it. # This way, the view will be automatically removed # from the message after the timeout. view.message = await ctx.send("Are you sure you about that?", view=view) await view.wait() if view.result: await ctx.send("Okay I will do that.") else: await ctx.send("I will not be doing that then.") Auto-disable the buttons after timeout if nothing is pressed:: view = ConfirmView(, disable_buttons=True) view.message = await ctx.send("Are you sure you about that?", view=view) await view.wait() if view.result: await ctx.send("Okay I will do that.") else: await ctx.send("I will not be doing that then.") Attributes ---------- result: Optional[bool] The result of the confirm view. author: Optional[] The author of the message who is allowed to press the buttons. message: Optional[discord.Message] The message the confirm view is sent on. This can be set while sending the message. This can also be left as ``None`` in which case nothing will happen in `on_timeout()`, if the view is never interacted with. disable_buttons: bool Whether to disable the buttons isntead of removing them on timeout (if the `message` attribute has been set on the view). """ def __init__( self, author: Optional[] = None, *, timeout: float = 180.0, disable_buttons: bool = False, ): if timeout is None: raise TypeError("This view should not be used as a persistent view.") super().__init__(timeout=timeout) self.result: Optional[bool] = None Optional[] = author self.message: Optional[discord.Message] = None self.disable_buttons = disable_buttons
[docs] async def on_timeout(self): """ A callback that is called by the provided (default) callbacks for `confirm_button` and `dismiss_button` as well as when a view’s timeout elapses without being explicitly stopped. The default implementation will either disable the buttons when `disable_buttons` is ``True``, or remove the view from the message otherwise. .. note:: This will not do anything if `message` is ``None``. """ if self.message is None: # we can't do anything here if message is none return if self.disable_buttons: self.confirm_button.disabled = True self.dismiss_button.disabled = True view = self else: view = None try: await self.message.edit(view=view) except discord.HTTPException: # message could no longer be there or we may not be able to edit it anymore pass
[docs] @discord.ui.button(label=_("Yes"), async def confirm_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): # Warning: The Sphinx documentation for this method/attribute does not use this docstring. """ A `discord.ui.Button` to confirm the message. The button's callback will set `result` to ``True``, defer the response, and call `on_timeout()` to clean up the view. Example ------- Changing the style and label of this `discord.ui.Button`:: view = ConfirmView( = view.confirm_button.label = "Delete" view.dismiss_button.label = "Cancel" view.message = await ctx.send( "Are you sure you want to remove #very-important-channel?", view=view ) await view.wait() if view.result: await ctx.send("Channel #very-important-channel deleted.") else: await ctx.send("Canceled.") """ self.result = True self.stop() # respond to the interaction so the user does not see "interaction failed". await interaction.response.defer() # call `on_timeout` explicitly here since it's not called when `stop()` is called. await self.on_timeout()
[docs] @discord.ui.button(label=_("No"), style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def dismiss_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): # Warning: The Sphinx documentation for this method/attribute does not use this docstring. """ A `discord.ui.Button` to dismiss the message. The button's callback will set `result` to ``False``, defer the response, and call `on_timeout()` to clean up the view. Example ------- Changing the style and label of this `discord.ui.Button`:: view = ConfirmView( = view.confirm_button.label = "Delete" view.dismiss_button.label = "Cancel" view.message = await ctx.send( "Are you sure you want to remove #very-important-channel?", view=view ) await view.wait() if view.result: await ctx.send("Channel #very-important-channel deleted.") else: await ctx.send("Canceled.") """ self.result = False self.stop() # respond to the interaction so the user does not see "interaction failed". await interaction.response.defer() # call `on_timeout` explicitly here since it's not called when `stop()` is called. await self.on_timeout()
[docs] async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): """ A callback that is called when an interaction happens within the view that checks whether the view should process item callbacks for the interaction. The default implementation of this will assign value of `discord.Interaction.message` to the `message` attribute and either: - send an ephemeral failure message and return ``False``, if `author` is set and isn't the same as the interaction user, or - return ``True`` .. seealso:: The documentation of the callback in the base class: :meth:`discord.ui.View.interaction_check()` """ if self.message is None: self.message = interaction.message if and != await interaction.response.send_message( content=_("You are not authorized to interact with this."), ephemeral=True ) return False return True